Friday, March 6, 2020

English Comparatives and Superlatives with Football (Pele vs Maradona)

English Comparatives and Superlatives with Football (Pele vs Maradona) Well, as many of you know we are from the United States but live in Argentina. Of course in the United States football isnt such an important sport and for Argentina it is probably more important than anything else in life, seriously, more important than your wife, than food, than politics, than your job. So today we are learning about comparatives and superlatives in football. Argentina just beat the world cup winner Spain yesterday in a match.ComparativesWe use comparatives to compare two people or things.Short Adjectives-we add er to the end of the adjective: fatter, skinnier, older, younger, smarter, prettier, nicer, etc. (notice the spelling change for words that end in y. Change the y to ier. For example pretty changes to prettier.   Also notice if it is a short word that has a vowel followed by a consonant we double the consonant. For example Fat changes to Fatter.Long Adjectives-we add more before the adjective: more intelligent, more beautiful, more generous, more productive , etc.There are three irregular adjectives: Good, Bad, and Far they change to better, worse, and farther or further.In A Question: Who is better at football Diego Maradona or Pele?Using irregular Adjectives:I think Maradona was a better player, because I live in Argentina.Using regular short Adjectives:I think Maradona is faster than Pele but I think Pele is a more intelligent player.Using regular long Adjectives:Maradona is more controversial than Pele.Superlatives:We use superlatives to compare three or more things 3+.Short Adjectives-we add est to the end of the adjective: fattest, skinniest, oldest, youngest, smartest, prettiest, nicest, etc. (notice the spelling change for words that end in y. Change the y to iest. For example pretty changes to prettiest.   Also notice if it is a short word that has a vowel followed by a consonant we double the consonant. For example Fat changes to Fattest.Long Adjectives-we add most before the adjective: most intelligent, most beautiful, most generous, most productive, etc.There are three irregular adjectives: Good, Bad, and Far they change to best, worst, and farthest or furthest.In A Question: Who is the best football player ever?(Notice that with all superlative we add the article the before the adjective)Using irregular Adjectives:I think Maradona was the best player, because I live in Argentina.Using regular short Adjectives:I think Maradona is the fastest football player but I think Pele is the most intelligent player.Using regular long Adjectives:Maradona is the most controversial football player.Whos the best football player of all time? Let us know what you think in comments.

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